Contact Us

It is always good to get feedback so please do get in touch, especially if you think there is an error in a job listing or a broken link.
Also, you can use this contact system if you want to ask about advertising a position, or are interested in making a current vacancy a featured job on the front page.

If you want a copy of the Gender Bias report, we will happily send that over to you. Simply send us over an email address for us to send it to.

We can't offer any help or advice with applications I am afraid, though we do recommend you take steps to ensure your application fully complies with job requirements. If they want you to be PIP Level 2 qualified, they mean it! There are a number of companies that offer help with this, and we recommend Police Recruitment Prep as a reasonably priced and high quality provider of this service.
And if you want to know what jobs are coming up, we recommend you sign up for our free email alerts.
There are some FAQs too, so please check those before you ask why we only list jobs for ex police officers!
Please do not contact us to report a crime. If it is an emergency dial 999, otherwise please call 101.

Jobs After The Job